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Terms of Service

By using our bot or any other of our services, you agree to these terms. If you do not agree to these terms, your server will no longer be able to use the bot and will not have permission to use. These terms can change at any time without notice.

1. You may not use the bot in any circumstances of violating Discord's Terms of Service or Discord's Community Guidelines.

2. The bot is provided 'as is' and will not be modified to fit a user's expectations and or needs.

3. We have the right to remove your server's bump configs at any time if it infringes anyone right's or is hurtful/inappropriate in any way.

4. Using different servers to advertise one of your servers — will lead to a permanent blacklist of your server(s).

5. Spamming broken/erroring commands will lead to a permanent blacklist of your server(s).

6. If you have violated the Terms of Service and have premium (From a giveaway, boosting, ext), you shall be blacklisted from our bot.

7. Whilst we take every possible precaution to ensure the bot is exploit proof, the development team won't be held responsible for any damages done to your server. Any exploits or bugs should be reported to the support team in the support server immediately.

8. Don't use our bot in malicious situations nor in servers that break Discord's Terms of Service or Discord's Community Guidelines. This will result in a blacklist.

Have any questions? Join our support server.